The factory's traditions date back to 1908, when a rubber products factory was established in Wolbrom, in the later period, it was named Wolbrom Rubber Industry Plants „Stomil”. In 1992, a division of WZPG „Stomil” took place. As a result of the division, the Rubber Hoses and Plastics Plant „Stomil” started its activities.

It became an independent business entity on March 1, 1992. The next significant date in the history of the factory is 01.05.1994 when, after the privatization of the Rubber Hoses and Plastics Plant „Stomil”, the Rubber Hoses and Plastics Plant „Fagumit” Sp. z o. o. was created. The many years of experience of the factory and the established position of the largest medium and low- pressure hose manufacturer in Poland guarantee the high quality of products and stability of cooperation for the domestic and foreign contractors of the factory.

ul. 1 Maja 100, 32-340 Wolbrom
+48 32 647 29 29
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