European quality in cleaning and greenery maintenance.

Our family-owned company was founded in 2000 as a result of a fascination with greenery, gardening and landscaping, passed down from generation to generation. Since then, we have completed more than 1,100 projects for commercial clients as well as publicly funded entities.

We currently employ about 150 qualified employees who have earned specialized licenses and certifications. We have extensive storage facilities and about 2200 sq. m. of machinery, allowing us to efficiently implement investments for the most demanding customers.

Our passion is greenery and the ability to shape urban space. We specialize in the design, establishment, and maintenance of public green spaces, including gardens, playgrounds, as well as places serving residents for active rest and recreation. We carry out comprehensive investments in the construction of urban parks, including greenery planting, construction works, installation of irrigation systems, lighting, and small architecture. We carry out pro-ecological projects (e.g., flower meadows), as well as those that require the supervision of a conservator. We are experienced in felling and caring for trees and hedges, and we also carry out cleaning services at cemeteries. We perform comprehensive cleaning work outside and inside the buildings of private estates, cooperatives, and housing communities. We provide top-quality maintenance of roads, sidewalks, and parking lots at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. We also provide services to collect green waste from property owners in the city and transport it to the composting plant.


ul. Isep 11, 31-588 Kraków
+48 12 200 26 67
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