INNOAGH Krakow Centre for Innovative Technologies is a limited liability company operating since 2010, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is the only owner of it. INNOAGH's mission is to create technological startups, and thus to develop businesses based on knowledge and modern technologies. The task of INNOAGH is indirect commercialization of the results of scientific research and development works carried out at AGH. INNOAGH supports inventors, substantively and organisationally, in creating enterprises, the so-called spin-off companies based on innovative academic technologies and inventions. INNOAGH, together with a team of scientists, creates a business model of a new ventures, IP protection policy, its development strategy, relations with financial investors, strategic investors and industry partners.

ul. Czarnowiejska 36, lok. C5/017, 30-054 Kraków
+48 12 617 36 56
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