JANEX Sp. z o. o. was registered on October 1, 1990 in the District Court for Krakow - Srodmiescie, KRS number 0000205758. The company has a branch in the Czech Republic, with headquarters in Ostrava.

The main profile of the company, from the beginning of its activity, is the provision of comprehensive contracting services in all branches of construction, assembly and installation works performed within the country and abroad, as well as the construction and sale of houses and flats as part of its development activities.

The export activity of the company is based on works related to the erection, renovation and modernization of batteries, appliances and coking installations. The company has been present on the Czech and French markets for many years.

ul. Wężyka 26, 30-964 Kraków
+48 12 647 97 77, fax. +48  12 640 94 90
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